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Sunday 22 April 2012


Iron is found in trace amounts yet it exerts a number of important functions.2.5gms is the total iron content in a healthy person.In men, the iron reserves are 1000mg whereas in women it is only 400-500 mg as much of it is lost due to physiological changes in the body. Iron is present in two forms - as a haeme iron and non haeme iron. Haeme iron is mostly found in non-veg diet and is best absorbed than the non haeme iron which is found in plant foods.
Different forms of iron:
 Iron is distributed in various structures in our body.
1. Transport iron- Also called Transferrin and is present in the blood plasma along with globulin a serum protein.It is estimated to be about 5-10 microns/ 100 ml.
2. Haemoglobin- 80% of the iron is present in haemoglobin which is a colouring pigment in the blood and carries oxygen  to the tissues and help in tissue respiration.
3. Ferritin- It is the stored form of iron. Excess iron is stored in different organs and tissues mainly the spleen, liver and bone marrow.It accounts 15-20% of the total iron content.
4. Cellular form- It is present in cells in free form and acts as a part of enzyme systems and co factor (a non protein substance which metabolize the systems). It is hardly 5% of the total content.
Factors that decrease the absorption:
 It is affected by the presence of Phytate, oxalate, phosphates.Any treatment with alkalies usually during peptic ulcers reduces the absorption.High fibre consumption, excess intake of tea and coffee can reduce the iron absorption as it contain poly phenol ( a harmful substance).
                       Ascorbic acid enhances the iron absorption and provide an optimum pH.
1. Iron is present in Hemoglobin  and acts as an oxygen carrier, transports the oxygen to the tissues and carry out carbon dioxide. If the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood decreases it leads to Anemia which is a National Nutrition disorder as the cells are starved of oxygen and loss all their functions.
               Normal Hb level in women - 12 gm/ dl.
                                          in men - 13-14gm/dl.
2. Myoglobin - Iron is present in muscles in the form of myoglobin which helps in tissue respiration by stimulating the muscle fibres i.e.,actin and myosin.
1. Anaemia - defined as as the condition that results from the inability of the R.B.C to maintain a normal haemoglobin concentration due to in adequate supply of one or more nutrients.
 2. Iron deficiency anaemia -  It may occur due to inadequate iron intake, inadequate utilization due to chronic gastrointestinal disturbances, inadequate absorption because of lack of Hydrochloric acid ( HCL) in the stomach and deficiency of vitamin c is the another factor of  anaemia as it decreases the absorption.
3. Microcytic anaemia - If there is deficiency of iron for the formation of haemoglobin, the red blood corpuscles become pale and small and the anaemia is said to be hypochromic or microcytic anaemia.

Symptoms: Include extreme weakness, giddiness, palpitation, skin pallor, breathlessness, severe fatigue. The nails become brittle and develop a spoon shaped structure called as Koilonychia.
 Toxicity: Excess intake of iron leads to hemosiderosis ( stored form of iron ) which cause excess breakdown of R.B.C due to haemolysis.
Eggs, organ meat, fish, beef, cereals and green leafy vegetables. Among fruits- Raw banana,    watermelon, pomegranate.


  1. Drum stick leaves are a good source of Iron..

    1. Yes and it is beneficial in treating many ailments like wheezing, asthma, bronchitis, and tuberculosis.It also promotes growth and development and is thus helpful in purifying the blood stream.


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