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Saturday 21 April 2012


Calcium: The macro mineral.

Calcium is the important and a major mineral of our body. About 50% of our body weight is contributed by calcium, forms the major constituent of bones and skeleton.It is present along with Phosphorus in the bones as calcium phosphate and hence act as a twin mineral.Calcium is distributed as Ca++ ions in the blood plasma.
For all the activity of calcium such as absorption, utilization vitamin D is required. It is necessary for the calcification process- the process by which the deposition of calcium takes place in bones.
          Calcium helps in complete development of bones and teeth, helps in neuromuscular activity such as muscle contraction by stimulating the Ca++ ions present in myofibrils, helps in the transmission of the nerve impulse and hence stimulate the nerves, plays a major role in vitamin B12 absorption and speeds up the clotting process.

Factors that decrease the absorption: Vitamin D deficiency, excess fat in the diet, presence of phytic acid (in ragi and pulses), disturbance in the calcium balance, emotional stress, trauma,  lack of exercise, high intake of caffeine which causes decalcification of bones (calcium is extracted out of the bones for the utilization process).

Sources: Milk,all diary products, fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables like amaranth, drumstick, fenugreek, whole cereals and millet.

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